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The North Carolina Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your donation will be recognized in our online list of donors unless notification of exception in writing is received.
See our Honor and Remember page. DKG Educational Foundation Funds: Honor and Remember Dr. Judith B. Carlson Endowment Margaret Church Endowment Betsy & Fred Cranford Endowment Delta Rho Chapter Endowment Alpha Phi Chapter Endowment Groves-Little Endowment Holt Endowment Maxine & Don McCall Endowment Linda G. Richards Endowment Simmons-Longest Endowment Dr. Barbara Perry-Sheldon Endowment The Dr. Barbara Day-Dr. Mary M. Cauley Endowment Lynda Tamblyn Endowment Phyllis Frye Copeland Endowment Patricia Elaine Clark Endowment Pauline Longest Leadership Development NC DKG Foundation State Scholarships General Fund Note: When you make your donation, remember to include the name of the fund you want to support in the area marked “Direct my donation to this fund” |